Car Rental Agreement

  1. The tenant/borrower must be at least 21 years old and have an international driver's license or driver's license as provided by the government agency and present the original document on the contract date.

  2. Tenants/borrowers must use the vehicle for tourism or for non-illegal business purposes only. The tenant/borrower agrees not to commercially rent/borrow cars or commit offences and do not carry or carry illegal items in the vehicle or commit any other act in violation of state law. If an offence is committed, the tenant/borrower is solely responsible.

  3. The tenant/borrower must use the vehicle only in the area that is provided to the tenant/lender as specified in the contract. If the tenant/borrower violates and the tenant/lender cannot contact the tenant/lender within 2 hours, the lessee/lender has the right to notify the authorities of legal action against the tenant/lender immediately.

  4. In case of tenant/borrower In addition to the agreement stipulated in Clause 2-3, the lender/lender must return the vehicle. The tenant/lender will be willing to take responsibility for the cost of returning the car as charged by the lessee/lender.

  5. The tenant/borrower agrees not to bring the rented car for rent during the transfer period or to the other person to drive.

  6. The tenant/borrower agrees to receive car insurance information. From the fully rented tenant/car agent on the day of pick-up.

  7. Tenants/borrowers must not drink alcohol while driving or drink alcohol and drive. If there is any damage for such reason, whether intentional or not, the tenant/borrower is responsible for all damages.

  8. In the event of damage or accident, the rental vehicle will be damaged or injured. The tenant/lender shall notify the tenant/lender of the incident immediately and the tenant/borrower agrees to pay the first part of the fine/damage stipulated by the first part of the penalty/damage stipulated as follows:

    1. In case of damage caused by insurance-related incidents a. In case of accident if the tenant/borrower is right, the tenant/borrower is not responsible for the damage. b. In case of accident if the tenant/borrower is wrong or does not have a party, the tenant/borrower shall be liable for damages ("first part damages") at a rate of between 1,000 and 50,000 Baht. Based on the following vehicle type, the following information is based on the following type of vehicle.

    2. In case of other damages, the penalty rate shall be in accordance with the contract page.

  9. Tenants/borrowers must be careful not to lose their rental car. If the rental car is lost for any reason, the tenant/borrower must present the original key to the renter/lender only. The tenant/borrower is responsible for paying 20% of the estimated vehicle price or the difference in expenses, including the excess that the insurance company does not cover. Unless it is a case of the real key and the car is completely lost together, or the case ends and there is evidence to believe or believe that the tenant/borrower is guilty of the loss of the vehicle. In this case, the tenant/borrower will pay the total price of 100% of the estimated car price.

  10. The tenant/lender agrees to the tenant/lender to inspect or move the vehicle. When the lender/lender agrees, take any action to prevent damage to the lender/lender or the car that can be rented/borrowed. Without prior notice.

  11. If all car interior equipment, such as car interior documents, car seats, tires, spare parts, beers, keys, etc. During car rental, the tenant/borrower shall pay all the fines according to the items charged by the lessee/lender. The lessee/lender will use the penalty fee based on the price of the car service centre.

  12. Car Tires If the tire leaks, the tenant/borrower must repair the recap to return the renter/lender. If the tire shatters, the tenant/borrower will have to buy the brand and stripes as usual to the new tenant/lender. In this regard, the tenant/borrower must notify the lender of the incident immediately. If that happens, you may receive the following information:

  13. In the event that the rental/borrowed vehicle is being held or fined for the incident of the use of the vehicle of the tenant/borrower, the lender/lender Have the right to charge the tenant/borrower any fines or fees. If the tenant/borrower does not pay such fines or fees, the lender has the right to deduct such funds from the deposit immediately without their consent and the right to claim compensation for other damages (if any) in fact.

  14. Counting the time of the rental car is from the time of pick up for the vehicle for another 24 hours, so it is 1 day, the tenant/borrower must return the vehicle on time as agreed at the specified location. The tenant/lender must notify the lessee/lender at least 3 hours prior to the return of the vehicle, which the lender has the right to refuse to extend the rental/lend without breach of contract. In the event that the lessee/lender agrees to extend the return time, the lessee/borrower agrees to pay the following additional fees:

  15. The lessee/lender is not responsible for any property that the tenant/borrower has forgotten in the rental car.

  16. The tenant/borrower must fill up the required fuel before returning. Otherwise, the lessee/lender can charge the fuel or consent to deduct the shortfall from the insurance deposit immediately. If the tenant/borrower does not meet the specified type, the tenant/borrower agrees to indemnify all damages incurred.

  17. This lease agreement applies only to the lease/loan date as set forth in the agreement, or including the lease agreement. If the tenant/borrower the vehicle cannot be returned on time and the lender/lender is not immediately available. If the vehicle is returned for more than 3 hours or is not able to contact the tenant/car lender in any way, the lender/owner/owner of the vehicle can immediately report to the police for criminal charges of burglary using trickery or embezzlement. If there is any damage or processing costs arising from this, the tenant/borrower agrees to be responsible without any dispute.

  18. If the tenant/borrower is in breach of one of the above contracts, the tenant/borrower agrees to allow the lender/lender to forfeit all deposits placed immediately to mitigate the initial damage. However, the In the event that the damages exceed the insurance premium, the lender has the right to claim damages or bring the case to court to claim the damages according to the truth.

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